Refund Policy

Bungalow Makers Refund Policy
At Bungalow Makers, we are committed to providing exceptional services and ensuring the satisfaction of our clients. We understand that every client's needs are unique, and we work diligently to meet and exceed those expectations. Given the nature of our services, we would like to clarify our refund policy.

Refund Policy Overview
Bungalow Makers is a service-based company, and we do not cancel orders or provide refunds after payments have been made and orders have been placed by our clients. Our services are tailored to each client's specific requirements, and our team invests time, effort, and resources into delivering quality results.

Refund Policy Overview
Customized Services: Each service we offer is highly personalized to meet the individual needs and expectations of our clients. This level of customization involves extensive planning and execution, which begins immediately after order placement.

Resource Allocation: Upon receiving an order, we allocate various resources, including time, personnel, and technology, to ensure that the service is delivered effectively and efficiently. These resource allocations are non-refundable.

Service Continuity: We are dedicated to maintaining service continuity once an order is placed. Canceling orders or issuing refunds would disrupt our operations and hinder our ability to serve other clients effectively.

While we do not offer refunds for services rendered, we understand that there may be exceptional situations. In rare cases, we may consider refunds or service adjustments under the following circumstances:

If you wish to cancel your order, you can do so by sending us an email at within 1 hour of placing the order.

You can also call us at 78800 88716 (Timing 9:30 am - 7:30 pm)

Once our team starts working on your project, we cannot cancel your order.

You can simply ask for changes and we're always ready to give you changes at your convenience.

Contact Us
If you believe your situation warrants an exception to our refund policy, or if you have any questions or concerns regarding our services or this refund policy, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you.

All rights reserved by @Bungalow Makers.